Myriophyllum sp. "Roraima"


Hello everybody!
Today I'd like to talk about a rare species that have recently, Myriophyllum sp. Roraima.
Is a very particular plant for its orange-yellow color


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Heiko Muth (Sumpfheini)

Aquasabi Mitarbeiter
Re: Myriophyllum sp. Roraima

Hello Lino,

thank You for sharing! Looks nice, is new to me. Do You have further informations? Several new aquarium plants with locality names such as "Roraima", "Goiás", "Araguaia" etc. are apparently collected last years by Japanese in Brazil.
The species could be ID'ed if the Myriophyllum develops flowers and fruits in emersed culture or low water level.



Hi Heiko,
it is a unknown species in Europe
this plant needs soft and acid water.
it is important to provide co2 ,also needs iron.
lighting with neon t5(1w/l)
I see that the plant grows quickly in these conditions.


Guten Abend :)
I have some news about this species.
Now i have emerged form for my little greenhouse!


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Heiko Muth (Sumpfheini)

Aquasabi Mitarbeiter
Buona sera Lino :)

that's interesting! It seems that the leaves are blue-green coloured, as these from Myriophyllum aquaticum. Are they water-repellent ("Lotus effect")?


Heiko Muth (Sumpfheini)

Aquasabi Mitarbeiter
Hi Lino,

then the "Roraima" might belong to M. aquaticum. But I'm not sure if there are other similar species in Brazil.


Heiko Muth (Sumpfheini)

Aquasabi Mitarbeiter
Hi Lino,

yes, M. aquaticum occurs in Brazil; I meant further species except M. aquaticum. According to a paper about Myriophyllum systematics ( ... 010%5D.pdf) there are only 3 species in South America, M. quitense, M. mattogrossense and M. aquaticum. M. quitense ist clearly different from the others, but mattogr. and aquaticum are closely related and variable. The mattogrossense in the aquarium hobby is only one population from Ecuador, and I'm not sure if there are no populations of this widespread species having blue-green emersed leaves similar to M. aquaticum.



New Member
The flowering of Myriophyllum sp. "Roraima"

Hello to everybody.

I would tell my growing experiences about Myriophyllum sp. "Roraima".

I received this plant about 2 years ago from my friend Carmelo Lino Famà (Linus87 on the forum), who is one of the earlist people that introduced this specimen in Europe.
Initially, I have planted it in a paludarium, where it was emersed quickly, and where it passed the first cold season (minimum temperatures about 15° with artficial light). In this situation the growth was good but I didn’t observed flowers.

In the first spring I moved this emersed Myriophyllum in an outdoor pond. In comparison to "typical" M. aquaticum it has seemed to have more green-yellowish leaves, a more frail feature and small size. Under sun's light stems are reddish. Compared to M. aquaticum, this new watermilfoil tends to produce more secondary stems on principal ones.

The second winter I wanted to test its cold-resistance. The result was very interesting: the plants were resistant to freezing and snow's covering without problems (minumum temperature of the air was -7 °C for some hours) and none of the leaves were damaged (which almost always occurs with typical M. aquaticum in my garden).
For these reasons I think that Myriophyllum sp. "Roraima" is a good hardy plant for garden's ponds.

Yesterday I observed a first flower at the moment.

It develops at axil of leaves, with a pedicel about 4-5 mm (at anthesis). I saw 4 white-greenish sepals, triangular and weakly denticulate, but I did not seen petals (maybe fallen?); 8 stamens were very visible.

From the above this flower seems a male's Myriophyllum flower and its description is similar to M. aquaticum's one.
And than I wanted to observe the center of the flower, moving the stamens, and I think to have see 4 structures similar to pistils. For this reason this flower seems bisexual.

When the plant will emit more flowers I will observe it better with a binocular microscope.
For Myriophyllum aquaticum I have read in the bibliography the existence of dioeciuos, monoecious and polygamous (with bisexual flowers) specimens described in Brazil.

I will be grateful if you give me your opinion, thank you.

Again, 'Roraima' is referred to Roraima (Brazilian State) or Roraima mountain?

Roberto Pellegrini


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Heiko Muth (Sumpfheini)

Aquasabi Mitarbeiter
Hello Roberto,

very cool, thx for sharing! :thumbs:
I don't know much about the features of the Myriophyllum aquaticum group, besides it's quite complicated with the male, female and monoecious populations of aquaticum.
I also don't have informations about the exact locality of the M. "Roraima". Its cold resistance that You detected is really surprising.
Surely it would be worth sending specimens to Myriophyllum experts.
Btw., there's also an odd red-stemmed Myriophyllum aquaticum(?), frequently sold as "Myriophyllum brasiliensis", I didn't yet manage to flower it.



Hi Roby,
These are important observations. Thanks for sharing! Now maybe you can contact Dr. Kasselmann :thumbs:

Heiko Muth (Sumpfheini)

Aquasabi Mitarbeiter

with this new milfoil, now I know 5 - 6 cultivated forms of the Myriophyllum aquaticum complex:

1 - "normal" Myriophyllum aquaticum, female flowers, quite big plant, submersed leaves rather orange-brown, stem mostly green
2 - male(?) population of M. aquaticum, submersed plant somewhat smaller than 1, submersed leaves green, but with reddish tips; not as easily converting to emersed growth as 1;
3 - Myriophyllum aquaticum 'Santa Catarina' = M. a. var. santacatarinense;
4 - the one that is mostly sold as "Myriophyllum brasiliensis" for garden ponds, red-stemmed, emersed leaves smaller than 1, size similar to 3: pflanzen/Myriophyllum-cf-aquaticum-Red-Stem-515.html ;
5 - the "Roraima" one.

Additionally, years ago there was a M. aquaticum variant from Ecuador in the Botanical Garden Göttingen, emersed leaves longer than 1 and lighter coloured under same conditions.



New Member
Hi Heiko and thank you soo much for your reply.
I will observe if my plants of Myriophyllum sp. "Roraima" will bloom again and if they will form fruits. Do you know some Myriophyllum's specialist?

I'm looking for secure specimens of M. aquaticum var. santacatarinense and male plants of M. aquaticum: someone can help me?

Sumpfheini":7l6yw0mt schrieb:
Btw., there's also an odd red-stemmed Myriophyllum aquaticum(?), frequently sold as "Myriophyllum brasiliensis", I didn't yet manage to flower it.

I grow this Myriophyllum sp. "Red Stem" (bought as "Myriophyllum brasiliense") in an outdoor pond to many years. In this days it's blooming: I can post a photo.
It could be a different species than M. aquaticum, maybe an australian one.
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