Fissidens Dubius "Toshua Houougoke"


Active Member
Fissidens brought many years ago from Japan from a collector. Long (4 cm lenght), thin but fluffy branches looks incredibly on a clump. Very easy to breed and relatively fast growing Fissidens.



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Heiko Muth (Sumpfheini)

Aquasabi Mitarbeiter
Hello Tomasz,

how reliable is its ID as Fissidens dubius, who has identified it?
I found Tosaka (not Toshua) Houougoke, written in Katakana: ????????? , as the Japanese name of the species F. dubius:

Fissidens dubius (Synonym: F. cristatus) also occurs in Europe, but in moderately moist, not wet habitats. It's described as a rather big species, with up to 5 mm wide shoots, similar to Fissidens adianthoides. Therefore I'm a little in doubt that the Fissidens that you've gotten as F. dubius is correctly determined.



Active Member
Long time ago I received it from Russia or Ukraina (probably Konstantin Pokhomov. He was my mentor in Bucephalandra and ferns. Those were good times :)) and I did not think then about naming of this variety. I know that Dubius are broad and rather fluffy moss, but the name would indicate it that some Japanese collector had thus identified. We should have to get to the source. But i think this is one of the first Fissiden that appeared in aquariums coming from a collector who gave them that name. Today, many people are looking for Fissidens in the forest and trying to bring them under the water. I remember when I encouraged them to do so. And now we see the positive signs :) I think that it acquired the right direction. Because we can look forward to interesting varieties of mosses in the aquarium.


Active Member



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