Cryptocoryne cordata "rosanervig"



Ihr kennt sicherlich dieses Heft, das man
in AQläden monatlich bekommt: Aquarien-Praxis.

In der November Ausgabe wird diese Cryptocoryne "vermutliche Mutation" beschrieben.
Eigenartig ist, ich zitiere: "ein natürliches Vorkommen der Sorte "Rosanervig" ist nicht bekannt"...
aber... "Sie wurde in einem Import von C. cordata gefunden" !!!

Hat jemand sie schon jemals vor Auge gehabt oder davon gehört/gelesen?

Liebe Grüße

PS: Sie sieht :top: aus

Tom Barr

Pardon the English response, I do very well with this plant using ADA Aqua soil and shading+ CO2.

It really needs shade or lower light to thrive and reach it's full potential.
Spectacular plant.

Tom Barr


entschuldige für die englische Antwort. Ich halte diese Pflanze mit großem Erfolg in ADA Aquasoil. Sie ist zudem leicht schattig im Becken platziert und bekommt gut CO2 verabreicht.

Sie braucht definitiv ein schattiges oder nicht zu hell beleuchtetes Plätzchen, um ihr volles Potential auszuschöpfen.
Eine wirklich atemberaubende Pflanze.

Tom Barr


Hello Tom

Yes she is!!
I will try to get some plants because Cryptocorynes are my favorites.
But what I want to know, is it sure that this plant cannot be find in the nature?

Liebe Grüße

Tom Barr

The plant came in as a containment in a shipment in 1972. So the plant did come from a natural variation. Where? I am not certain, Perhaps Jan Bastimer would know more details there.

The genus is in a state of rapid evolutionary flux.
So a lot of local variations are common and this makes it both interesting and frustrating taxonomically.

I saw the plant some 30 years ago, and wanted it.
Took me 25 years to get it, but I got it:)

I've been very successful with a wide variety of species from this genus. Eventually I may start a small aquatic plant farm specializing in this genus and others, most likely marine plants and few rare submersed/emergent species.

Bob Gasser was a very good horticulturist from the USA and I know the methods he used to grow many species, as well as many of my own from various experts and my academic background.

I have about 12 plants of this species/variety. I started with 3.
So they do grow well, but I do not have them in optimal growth conditions at the moment.

Tom Barr
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