DefiniteAquascapeTV - new aquarium television

Piotr K.

Hi all,

I finally managed to create the website of my internet aquarium television:

As the name suggests, it is all about aquascapes, both natural (underwater) and arranged in aquariums. The concept of this project is to provide aquarium layout ideas for aquarists from all over the world. Some of the movies you may alredy know, as I was posting them here previously, under "akwabiotop" nickname. Here are some latest videos (all are just the beginning of longer series):

Aquarium layouts of Nature Aquarium Academy, ?ód?, Poland - pt.1 (this is just a quick tour around the shop)

Aquarium layouts of ZooExpo 2011, Warsaw, Poland, pt.1 and pt.2

The 2nd part of ZooExpo presents some nano-aquariums arranged for aquascaping contest (although not the best ones - those are just the first 10 nanos out of 40).

Enjoy! :)

Piotr K.

eye":2vb4g9oh schrieb:
schade das es nicht in deutsch ist :-(
Yeah, well - maybe one day I will be able to put German translations, too :)

And now, some new movies:

2nd part of the report from Nature Aquarium Academy - a story about 60x35x45cm aquarium:

And the same aquarium, shown in a more "static" and elegant way (I hope ;) ):
(this one in not very new, but it is complementary to 2nd part of the report, so I provide the link).

Enjoy! :)

Piotr K.

Hi guys,

And now, for somethig completely different ;) - I visited the Aquatics Live show in London, UK, and did a lot of filming. There were some nice planted tanks exhibited during the show, so I think you will like at least some of the movies.

But for now, the first part of my report - a short trip around the ground floor of the Olympia hall. Enjoy! :)


Piotr K.


Piotr K.

Hi guys,

Here are three last movies from Nature Aquarium Academy. The first movie (1) is the discussion about two aquariums 60x40x30 cm located on the shelves in the front of the shop, and another two movies (2) and (3) show the same tanks filmed from tripod. I recommend watching especially the upper aquarium (2) - it's a beautiful "almost-low tech" setup, planted only with cryptocorynes :)




And so, we have reached the end of this series! :)

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