
  1. P

    Aquarium videos of DefiniteAquascapeTV :)

    Hi guys :) I decided to start a new thread, where I will be posting links to all my future videos. Right now my vids are scattered all over the Forum, which makes it difficult to find them (I someone would like to find them, of course :) ). And because I make vids not only about planted tanks...
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    Coral reef of the Red Sea - videos :)

    Hi guys :) Not really a planted topic, but maybe some of you will find it interesting :) Finally, I got all the necessary equipment, and was able to visit Egypt to do some underwater filming of the reef. This will be a short series of videos showing not only the beauty of the reef, but also -...
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    Aquariums von InterZoo 2012 - videos für Aquarianer

    Hi guys, I decided to start a new thread, containing the whole series of my videos about InterZoo 2012. Here is the first video, which I uploaded today: It's a trailer with some examples of what could be seen at the fair. More detailed videos...
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    Planted aquariums of the gallery

    Hi guys, Before I get to the report from InterZoo 2012 I need to finish some other projects, and what follows is one of them. This will be a short series of videos, recorded in the gallery of aquariums of the shop "" in Kraków, Poland (the name simply means...
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    Planted aquariums of Aquatics Live 2011 - UKAPS

    Hi guys, I was finally able to publish the interview which I made with George Farmer during Aquatics Live 2011 in London :) It took me a long time to find someone who helped me with sound post-processing, but "endlich" here it is - a discussion about aquascapes arranged by members of UK Aquatic...
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    Coral reef gobies in natural habitat - video

    Hi guys, In 2010 I did a small research in Dahab, Egypt, trying to get some information about natural behaviour of small goby fish Bryaninops natans, living on the coral reef. I made a video about the life of this fish, and lately I was finally able to make full English version - I post it...
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    The Art of The Planted Aquarium 2012 - movies

    Hi guys, Finally, the time has come to post movies recorded by me this year in Hannover. I really enjoyed my visit to the Heimtiermesse, and the quality of some aquascapes was truly amazing! Here are first three movies, showing tanks which took places 1-5...
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    DefiniteAquascapeTV - new aquarium television

    Hi all, I finally managed to create the website of my internet aquarium television: As the name suggests, it is all about aquascapes, both natural (underwater) and arranged in aquariums. The concept of this project is to provide aquarium layout ideas for...