
  1. 1

    Welche Schnecken für das Aquarium?!

    Anyone who knows how to get rid of snails inside the aquarium, my tank is infested and I am scared that something bad will happen to my clown fish if I won't be able to remove them. I hope it is as easy as using Advantage flea and tick control to get rid of the ticks that my golden retriever...
  2. 1

    Was für Moos könnte das sein?

    I have tried to consult google it surely looks like a pilomoos try to check out the photo on the internet.
  3. 1

    Welche Kamera und Zubehör für Aq-Fotografie

    I won't be able to recommend which camera to get for it doesn't matter whether you are using an SLR or a smartphone camera. You just need to check on the setting and you are ready to capture a great photo. It will be better if you will invest in a camera which is not just perfect for aquarium...